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Train Your Brain:
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy  (MBCT) for Tinnitus

Dr Peter Vernezze - Tinnitus Therapist

Peter Vernezze PhD

Too often we are told (I was certainly told) that there is nothing that can be done with our tinnitus diagnosis.  This is simply false. While it is true there is no magic bullet when it comes to tinnitus—no surgery, device, or pill that will silence it (at least not yet)—taken together, the actions we can engage in such as sound therapy, hearing aids, support groups, taking care of our physical and mental health, as well as numerous psychological interventions, are truly transformative. 

When I developed tinnitus, mindfulness training was the game changer. Now, a substantial body of evidence demonstrates the ability of mindfulness training to reduce tinnitus distress. I am a licensed therapist and qualified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), the gold standard of mindfulness training. The method I teach is the method I used to work with my own tinnitus and with hundreds of tinnitus-challenged clients. (You can click the box below to read about my story in Tinnitus Today).​


In short, mindfulness is about embracing the present moment exactly as it is.  Tinnitus has made the present moment hateful to us.  But the present moment is all we have. Mindfulness is about reclaiming the present moment and hence reclaiming our lives.  Your journey to get your life back starts here.

My YouTube interview on Treble Health: The Two Techniques That Help Improve Tinnitus


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Tinnitus

The American Academy of Family Physicians declares Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) "the only effective treatment for tinnitus with a well-established, moderate- to high-quality evidence base."  Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) has emerged as the most researched version of what is known as Third-Wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for tinnitus. This is an 8-week course that is a variation of the classic Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Although initially used for recurrent depression, this protocol has been applied to a wide variety of conditions, including tinnitus. A recent study demonstrating the benefits of mindfulness training for tinnitus made a powerful case for the need of a consistent treatment that could be implemented widely and argued that MBCT was a the obvious candidate for a uniform treatment.



How Mindfulness Helps with Tinnitus

Learn More

The problem with tinnitus is not the sound of the tinnitus. It's how your body and mind are reacting to the sound of tinnitus. As a result of the sound of tinnitus, your body is going into a state of what is known as fight-or-flight. And your brain is following suit, generating catastrophic thoughts and distressing emotions that only compound the physical distress. While we can't control the sound of our tinnitus, through mindfulness training we can alter how our mind and body respond to the sound of tinnitus,  ultimately viewing our tinnitus (and all of our experience) in a non-judgmental manner, neither pushing away nor being overwhelmed by it. This non-reactive attitude towards tinnitus is the key to habituation. Importantly, this is not something we can simply tell ourselves to do; it is something we must train ourselves to do. This class provides the groundwork for rewiring the nervous system to respond to our tinnitus in a different way (neuroplasticity).

Virtual Team Meeting

Tinnitus and Mindfulness Research

Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of mindfulness training in reducing tinnitus distress. A 2019 systematic review found that a decrease of tinnitus distress scores occurred directly post therapy in seven moderate to high quality studies, with six of the seven studies showing a "statistically significant decrease in tinnitus distress scores directly after mindfulness training." 

Online Mindfulness Training

What to Expect

Each class will consist in a series of mindfulness practices including meditation, body scan, and mindful movement. Students will receive guidance on their practice as well as exercises to help them apply these skills to their tinnitus. In addition, students will be exposed to a variety of other mental health interventions to help them manage their tinnitus. 


Students will be expected to engage in 30-45 minutes of daily mindfulness practice. Listen to what past students had to say. A link to the class syllabus can be found below.

“The Mindfulness/Tinnitus class has been a lifesaver. I can now go on and enjoy my life even with Tinnitus. Thank you!

Anne P

Peaceful Lake

Our Program

Your Instructor

I am a licensed therapist and qualified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) through the University of California at San Diego Center for Mindfulness--one of only two institutes able to certify teachers of MBSR. In addition, I am also a meditation teacher trained in the Buddhist Shambhala tradition. Like you, I have tinnitus and understand your challenges and struggles.

Small Student/Teacher Ratio

I limit the class to 20 in order to preserve a personalized approach and provide individual feedback. There is also an opportunity to interact weekly with other participants in a smaller groups setting.

Low Price

The cost for the entire eight-week class is $395 . A full refund (less processing charges) is given if you withdraw before the second class.

Class Information: Days, Times, Cost etc.

The next class starts on Monday March 10th. It will meet for eight consecutive Mondays, ending Monday, April 28th.The class will start at 4:30pm PT/5:30pm MT/6:30pm CT/7:30pm ET. Each class will run for 90 minutes, with the exception of the first class, which will run for 2 hours. The cost is $395. People can drop the class for a full refund any time before the start of the second class. Participants in this class will be required to purchase The Mindful Way Workbook by Teasdale, Williams, and Segal available on Amazon.

There will be a 1 hour informational session on Monday, March 3rd at 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET. Here is the zoom link   However, I cannot guarantee space will be available at that time as admission will be on a first-come basis. If you have questions about the class I urge you to contact me at 


An introductory video about the class can be found here.

A Tinnitus Community

Inspired by the belief that community is an integral part of healing, this course provides you the opportunity to learn alongside others with tinnitus in a class led by an instructor who himself has the condition. This sense of community continues after the class ends as class participants are invited to join a private Facebook group only for individuals who have completed the course.

Supplemental Meditation Instruction

Every Wednesday at 6 pm PT there is a free one-hour Mindfulness Meditation for Tinnitus class. Although anyone with tinnitus may attend, it is an excellent opportunity for those taking the class to deepen their practice. There will be an opportunity as well during this time to ask questions. Here is the zoom link

Program Details

Upcoming Classes

Peter Vernezze LMSW, PhD

10483 E. Marquette Street

Tucson AZ 85747


Medical disclaimer

All content found on this website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The course described on this website is not therapy, since the tinnitus distress it addresses is not a recognized disorder in the DSM 5. If you are suffering from the depression and anxiety that can go along with tinnitus, please see a mental health professional in your area. If you are currently in therapy, please consult with your mental health professional before signing up for this class. If you have any question about whether this class is appropriate for you, I encourage you to contact me before signing up.

If you have a medical or mental health emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.

Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Links to educational content not created by this website and Peter Vernezze are taken at your own risk. This website and Peter Vernezze are not responsible for the claims of external websites.

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